Books and Catalogues on American Spaceflight

  • The Race to the Moon

    Chronicled in Stamps, Postcards and Postmarks

    The story of the famed race to the Moon between US and the USSR has been told countless times.

    This book by Umberto Cavallaro shows how beneath the surface similarities, two competing nations employed different core tactics. It provides a new perspective of the history of the space race by analyzing that history through philately.

    Foreword by astronaut Walt Cunningham
    1. Sputnik triggers the USA-USSR competition
    2. Man in Space
    3. The space race changes direction
    4. The astronaut sits in the driver's seat
    5. Two tragedies block the race in space
    6. The final leap
    7. First Lunar landing : the philatelic side of Apollo 11

    Author : Umberto Cavallaro
    Editor : Springer-Praxis Verlag
    Year : 2018
    Pages : 340 pages - soft cover

  • Space "The New Frontier" - DVD

    Space "The New Frontier"

    This DVD contains 268 files on all kinds of American space achievements:
    - Press Kits
    — Apollo 7 - 17
    — Enterprise
    — STS 1 -
    — Space Station Assembly
    — Expeditions 1 - 34
    - Press Kits from launches between 1992 and 2012
    - Pictures
    - Maps

    Although this DVD is not a book to read, it is a database of NASA Press Kits containing 661 MB of data.

    Author :
    Editor : eBook on DVD (PDF files)
    Year : 2012
    Pages :

  • Space Shuttle Almanac

    Space Shuttle Almanac

    The Final edition of the Space Shuttle Almanac is a celebration of 40 years of shuttle operational history as a final compilation of mission facts and figures, dates and times. Primary author Lee Brandon-Cremer has added an outstanding collection of images for every mission and every section to enhance the readers experience. There are 1400 page, 1000 photographs and over 1000 diagrams available.

    Author : Joel W. Powell and Lee Robert Brandon-Cremer
    Editor : eBook on CD (PDF files)
    Year : 2011
    Pages : 1.400

  • U.S. Space Cover Collecting Handbook - DVD

    U.S. Space Cover Collecting Handbook

    This CD is a guide to assist collectors, exhibitors, judges and dealers about astrophilately.

    Showing 1.100 cover illustrations with "Difficulty of Acquisition" codes, estimated values, listings of events by program this is a must for the astrophilatelist.
    Included also the APS Manual of Philatelic Judging chapter on Astrophilately, the F.I.P. judging regulations in GREV and SREV and the guidelines for exhibiting and judging astrophilately.

    Assistance of Steve Durst, Dennis Dillman, Chuck Vukotich, Robert Boyd, Tom Steiner and Dr. Ben Ramkissoon.

    Author : Ray Cartier
    Editor : eBook on CD (PDF files)
    Year : 2011
    Pages :

  • American Astrophilately

    American Astrophilately

    "The First 50 Years" is an overview of American astrophilately in full colour on glossy paper. The book is divided in three parts :
    1. Voices of Astrophilately
    2. A world of covers
    3. The all important Postmark

    Accompanying the book is a DVD with an enormous array of articles and lists in pdf-format.

    Author : David Ball
    Editor :
    Year : 2010
    Pages : 340 pages + DVD

  • Project Mercury - DVD

    Project Mercury

    This is the first volume in a series of historical books about US manned space flights. Steve Durst describes the complete history of the Mercury program in text, pictures and covers.
    Most of the CD book shows seldom seen photographs of the Mercury project, with a detailed description of each test and flight.
    Outstanding !

    Author : Steve Durst
    Editor : CD Book by Steve Durst
    Year : 2008
    Pages : 275 pages + 25 pages appendices

  • Project Gemini - DVD

    Project Gemini

    This is the second volume in a series of historical books about US manned space flights. Steve Durst describes the complete history of the Gemini program in text, pictures and covers.
    This book shows a lot more covers and rare pictures of the Gemini project.
    Once again a must have !

    Author : Steve Durst
    Editor : CD Book by Steve Durst
    Year : 2012
    Pages : 305 pages + 45 pages appendices

  • Project Apollo - Part 1 - DVD

    Project Apollo - Part 1

    This is the third volume in a series of historical books about US manned space flights.
    This time Steve tells us the story from AS-201 until the last rehearsal with Apollo 10.
    Beside beautiful pictures also a large amount of covers (I counted 93 covers on 100 pages) on the Apollo program as well as the famous tables on recovery ships.

    Author : Steve Durst
    Editor : CD Book by Steve Durst
    Year : 2009
    Pages : 300 pages + 20 pages appendices

  • Project Apollo - Part 2 - DVD

    Project Apollo - Part 2

    This is the fourth volume in a series of historical books about US manned space flights.
    Steve describes the history from Apollo 11 to Apollo 17, showing more than 200 different covers and a lot of pictures and tables on recovery ships.
    The most complete work on astrophilatelic covers concerning the Apollo project.

    Author : Steve Durst
    Editor : CD Book by Steve Durst
    Year : 2010
    Pages : 225 pages + 60 pages appendices

  • Wilhelm Katalog - Project Mercury

    Wilhelm Katalog - Project Mercury

    This is the first part "MERCURY" of Peter Wilhelm's Catalog on US manned spaceflight, better known as "The Wilhelm".
    It is a philatelic history of manned space flight events, documented with covers and supplemented with technical and mission related details.
    Tips regarding forgeries of philatelic material are included.

    Author : Peter Wilhelm
    Editor : Archives der Astronomie- und Raumfahrt-Philatelie e.V. - Garching
    Year : 2000
    Pages : 50 pages B/W - German/English

  • Wilhelm Katalog - Project Gemini

    Wilhelm Katalog - Project Gemini

    This is the second part "GEMINI" of Peter Wilhelm's Catalog on US manned spaceflight, better known as "The Wilhelm".
    It is a philatelic history of manned space flight events, documented with covers and supplemented with technical and mission related details.
    Tips regarding forgeries of philatelic material are included.

    Author : Peter Wilhelm
    Editor : Archives der Astronomie- und Raumfahrt-Philatelie e.V. - Garching
    Year : 2001
    Pages : 58 pages B/W - German/English

  • Wilhelm Katalog - Project Apollo

    Wilhelm Katalog - Project Apollo

    This is the third part "APOLLO" of Peter Wilhelm's Catalog on US manned spaceflight, better known as "The Wilhelm".
    It is a philatelic history of manned space flight events, documented with covers and supplemented with technical and mission related details.
    Tips regarding forgeries of philatelic material are included.

    Author : Peter Wilhelm
    Editor : Archives der Astronomie- und Raumfahrt-Philatelie e.V. - Garching
    Year : 2003
    Pages : 116 pages B/W - German/English

  • Wilhelm Katalog - U.S. Raumstationen

    Wilhelm Katalog - U.S. Raumstationen

    This is the fourth part "US-RAUMSTATIONEN" of Peter Wilhelm's Catalog on US manned spaceflight, better known as "The Wilhelm".
    It is a philatelic history of manned space flight events, documented with covers and supplemented with technical and mission related details.
    Tips regarding forgeries of philatelic material are included.

    Author : Peter Wilhelm
    Editor : Archives der Astronomie- und Raumfahrt-Philatelie e.V. - Garching
    Year : 2005
    Pages : 78 pages B/W - German/English

  • Beck Handbook of printed cachets

    Beck Handbook of printed cachets

    This booklet is based upon the notes of Morris Beck who listed every one of the 1000 covers he sent to ships between February 1962 and October 1975.

    Author : Les Winick
    Editor : Les Winick
    Year : 1995
    Pages : 48 pages

  • A Philatelic History of Space Exploration - Part 1

    A Philatelic History of Space Exploration - Part 1

    U.S.A. Space Cover Catalog and Pricing Guide
    Part I - The Pioneer Years : 1904 - 1960

    Author : Reuben A. Ramkissoon, MD and Lester E. Winick
    Editor : Reuben A. Ramkissoon, MD and Lester E. Winick
    Year : 1986
    Pages : 56 pages

  • U.S. Space Catalogue

    U.S. Space Catalogue

    Reference Space Catalogue for Philatelic Covers during the Period 1944 to 1973

    Author : Jack McMahan
    Editor : Jack McMahan
    Year : 1974 (?)
    Pages : 198 pages

  • Kennedy Space Center Philatelic History
    Stacks Image 930

    Kennedy Space Center Philatelic History

    Author : Ralph Yorio
    Editor : Viking Press
    Year : 1971
    Pages :

  • Space Covers A.T.A. Handbook
    Stacks Image 928

    Space Covers A.T.A. Handbook

    Booklet from the American Topical Association (ATA) on space stamps and space covers.

    Author : Betty Peters
    Editor : ATA Handbook #60 Vol.3-N°1
    Year : 1968
    Pages : 74 pages

  • Project Mercury

    Project Mercury

    Booklet from the Internationaler Motiv-Sammler-Club Berlin.

    Author : Hans-Joachim Lehmann
    Editor : Internationaler Motiv-Sammler-Club Berlin
    Year : 1964
    Pages : 20 pages